Something about the first rain of the Fall that brings the cozy out and the comfort foods in.
Which is my logical excuse for creating these rustic plates. Some dishes are hearty with big chunks of tender meats and colorful veggies and you don't want to miss out on all of the simmering juices right? My solution is Plate-Bowls. One plate volume sufficient for the one pot meal, with sides deep enough to not loose out on any of the soupy juices or stew that comfort during cozy meals.
All Clad has the only true one pot Crock Pot. Wait, I can't say that as Crock-Pot is a Brand name (but go to their link for some awesome recipes). Anyway, All Clad has the only true one pot slow cooker, in that you can braise on the stove top...

and then go right into the crock for slow cooking that gets tender results.

Most other brands have a one pot slow cooker heavy clay body pot that only can be used in the slow cooker base and or in the oven (as long as the lid doesn't have a plastic handle or a non tempered glass lid).
I bought both of mine at William's Sonoma, but here is a great deal:
Why do I say 'both' when it is already a big boy at 7-Quarts?
Well, at Thanksgiving one year I traveled with it to help with the huge extended family dinner. I am a rock star at mashed potatoes. My sister alone has a family of six and was dealing with some serious medical issues, so I decided to accidentally leave it in her care for her usage, as I know how much it is a life saver when it comes to easy cooking ...for any army of mouths to feed.
Here is an ironic disclaimer that I hope does not deter you, but rather should ultimately sell you all the more on this product:
As I was getting ready to post this blog, the bottom heating element of my All-Clad Slow Cooker...died (cue in Taps military horns for honorable funeral services.)
This sent me on the wild rabbit chase of Calling Williams Sonoma, who always has great customer serice. By the way, side note for Artrepreneurs gleaning Alchemy and wanting some Brains in the Beauty of Business...if you are ever in the market for filling customer service positions, I would hire in a heart beat, anyone with Williams Sonoma on their resume! Williams Sonoma wasn't able to help me directly because it had been so long since my purchase, however, they went the extra mile and whipped up the direct phone number for me to call All Clad Repairs!
While I was on hold with All Clad, I multi tasked online by doing a customer review search for All-Clad's slow cooker. There are a ton of really disappointed customer reviews online. I would like to change that, as I highly doubt any of the posts are customers who use their slow cookers as much as I do. Mine had lasted for over 7 years and I use mine weekly.
I know the brand Crock-Pot Never dies (I have two of theirs as well and I am not afraid to use all of them all at one time either), but they do not have a product that can go on the stove top burner.
So All-Clad was nice enough to back their product and emailed me a shipping labile within seconds to evaluate the base for repairs. The only bummer, is we are one week out from Thanksgiving and I am grieving that it is still in ICU. I am half tempted to breakdown and buy a new one, as I know I will put both to good work as we host a ton of events all year. I like being more about my guests than cooking and cleaning and my slow cookers afford me that luxury. They are truly less hassle and just as elegant looking as chaffing dishes, plus I don't need refill candles and oven space that just heats up the house in a stuffy way anyway.
People ask for recipes all the time, but I dump ingredients that sound good to my tummy and guestimate all the time. So my strongest encouragement is get a really good slow cooker recipe book or go online and search for some. After a few meals, you'll be a pro at slow cooking and be able to experiment in an unstoppable fashion.
Your meals will be so yummy that you'll need to contact Unnecessary Necessities to throw you some custom plate-bowls deep and wide enough to honorably serve your heroic meals. haha!
Experiment. Have Fun. Enjoy Life with Enjoyable Friends. That's the best recipe!
Update: 1/2016
All Clad had sent my base back, repaired before Christmas! They are #SuperHeros
Now the #Superbowl Party can go on!